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Frequently Asked Questions

So what’s this ALIVEGIRL thing all about?

ALIVEGIRL is a community of people who all have one thing in common, their love of live sex! On ALIVEGIRL you can post your sex videos, watch videos that other users have posted, meet cam models and PORNSTARS, discuss what’s great (or what you’d love to change) about live sex from all eras.

Sounds great, but how much does it cost?

ALIVEGIRL is completely free of charge! ALIVEGIRL won’t charge you anything to watch as many videos as you like, upload your own videos or participate in our community.

Help! The videos don’t play at all! What do I do?

To make sure that we provide only the highest possible quality videos, you will need to download Flash 9.0 (or higher) to view videos. If you don’t yet have Flash 9.0, you can download it here. If you already have Flash 9.0 and still can’t watch the videos, please send us an email and we’ll be happy to look into it for you!

How do I upload a video to ALIVEGIRL?

Once you’ve become a member, simply choose “upload video” from the main page, or follow this link to share your video with the community.

What are “tags”?

When uploading a video, we ask that you include at least a few tags that describe your video and that will make it easier for the community to find. Tags are essentially keywords that will be associated with your video and which will be referenced when users search the video collection. Suggested tags for your video could include the name of the girl (or guy) in the scene, her hair color or body type, the primary action in the scene (threesome, blowjob, anal, etc) or any other keywords that you think might be relevant.

What kinds of videos are unacceptable?

As we are a community website, it is important that we all respect certain rules of decent community behavior. As such, we reserve the right to refuse any videos that contain content which is illegal, harassing, harmful, abusive, obscene or hateful. For the full description, you can see Article Four of our Terms and Conditions. If you’re into snuff films or kiddie porn videos, you are NOT cool. Please keep these videos off our site and please seek help immediately.

How do I see another member’s profile?

Go to the main members page either by pressing the “Community” button in the main menu at the top of the page. From there you can either browse our members or search by a member’s user name.


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